belize restaurants

A Short Celebration at Casa Picasso and a Poolside BBQ

It’s not a bad day when you can say you met some cool new people from around the world, enjoyed a short celebration at Casa Picasso and attended a poolside BBQ, as was the case for me last night. Plans magically came about hours prior which is a common phenomenon of Island Life – short […]

volunteer in belize

Food Frenzy and Fire in San Pablo area

I just love to see how great relationships are developing among the island charities and also volunteer vacationers and med students. I saw some of the Washington University boys on one of Shirlee’s pics, they are always ready and willing to help. Wayo’s Beernet was the setting for the latest food & fundraiser for the […]

belize information

San Pedro Belize at Risk Populations and Food Drive

Back in March, we had a visit from Florida Association for Volunteer Action in the Caribbean and the Americas in collaboration with Florida State University Emergency Management and Homeland Security or Favaca as Shirlee and I have come to call their group. At the time I wanted to invite the press to come out but […]

birds of belize

Why do You Think This Baby Yucatan Parrot is Smiling?

I find today’s guest post from Coleen Creeden very timely, as I have been working with SAGA and Facebook friends to help complete the San Pedro Belize Red Cross master emergency contact list by including more animal emergency resources. Thankfully Coleen and Rick are very environmentally friendly, well-informed animal lovers. They knew what to look […]

belize red cross

They Came, They Ate and We Raised Some Funds

Rule number one of party planning and fundraising events, there are no guarantees and always have a plan B. Thankfully many people are in favor of the San Pedro Belize Red Cross and we raised $1338 from ticket sales and donations at our Wednesday night fundraiser dinner at El Patio. It was a perfectly timed […]

Volunteer Belize

Volunteering in the Village of Patchakan Belize

Lauren Mitnik from Annette Merlino DMD, Gentle Family Dentistry contacted me about a group volunteer vacation that provided much needed dental treatment at the Presbyterian Medical Clinic in the village of Patchakan Belize. Four of them came to volunteer in Belize from Pennsylvania. Dentist Dr. Annette Merlino, a hygienist Matthew Banichar, two assistants – Jessica Rice […]