I find today’s guest post from Coleen Creeden very timely, as I have been working with SAGA and Facebook friends to help complete the San Pedro Belize Red Cross master emergency contact list by including more animal emergency resources. Thankfully Coleen and Rick are very environmentally friendly, well-informed animal lovers. They knew what to look for and who to call to help rescue a baby Yucatan Parrot.
Why do you think this baby Yucatan parrot is smiling?
Robles is a Yucatan parrot or yellow-lored parrot, (Amazona xantholora) a critically endangered species that is native to the Yucatan and Belize. He’s a brave little bird that made a lot of friends and managed his first flight from northern Ambergris Caye to Belmopan. After his journey, he rested comfortably in the capable hands of Belize Bird Rescue. After a long day like his, you would be smiling too.
Robles started his life in a hollowed out dead coconut tree. His mother Polly and partner had been seen flying, squawking in the area of the tree for a few weeks prior to the nest being spotted on our a daily dog walk. She would usually hide inside the nest. The only time she would pop her head out was with loud sounds or by calling out her name, Polly.

After watching the nest for a few weeks, we were finally rewarded with the first glimpse of a baby. He was at the entrance to the nest seeming to revel in the morning sun. The nest is only 30′ from the beach and overlooks the Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve. Was the little parrot a little too brave?

On the afternoon dog walk, we could not see any activity inside the nest. Rick insisted checking underneath the tree, just to make sure. His instincts were right, the sunbathing baby had fallen. It was on the ground amongst the coconut leaves and the crabs were already gathering.

Rick scooped that baby parrot up and cradled it in his t-shirt. He carried the baby while I scurried ahead to make phone calls to see what we should do. We decided we should try and get the baby returned to the nest prior to nightfall. Mynor our caretaker helped by carrying the ladder a mile and holding it while Rick replaced the baby into the nest.

The nest was crowded! There were three other babies still packed into the hollow tree. There didn’t seem to be much room for the fourth. We would make sure and check again in the morning. We reached Nikki Buxton at Belize Bird Rescue and apprised them of the situation.

The next morning proved our fears to be true. The baby had fallen again. He had been out of the nest for a while as he already had ants on him and was shivering. Rick again scooped up the baby. As he nestled it his t-shirt for warmth, he carefully removed all the ants.

In the meanwhile, BBR was contacted. Nikki Buxton was not surprised he had fallen again. Four is a large clutch of babies parrots. The decision was made the baby parrot needed to be brought to BBR for his best chance of survival. Robles rested all day after drinking some water and eating a bit of plantain.
The baby parrot would have to be taken from the Robles area of northern Ambergris Caye, for which he is named, all the way to Belmopan. He would travel by boat, golf cart, plane and then by car. Catherine Paz of Tranquility Bay Resort gladly offered to carry the baby parrot from northern Ambergris Caye directly to Tropic Air for his flight to the municipal airport. At the San Pedro airport, Pam Killian stepped forward to personally care for Robles on the flight. Upon arrival in Belize City, Robles waited at the Tropic desk while Nikki from BBR made her way from Belmopan to retrieve him. It was a long day for Robles, he did not arrive in Belmopan until after 7 pm. It is very gratifying to know there are so many people who without hesitation stepped up to help get this baby parrot the best care possible for his survival.

Robles is now settled into the facilities at BBR. It has been a bumper year for baby parrots stated Nikki Buxton. Currently, BBR has 14 yellow lored parrots and babies from 6 other species. Last year they were able to raise and release 6 back into the wild. With so many babies they are in need of a new avian nursery for all the species of birds they help. They have launched a Global Giving campaign to raise the needed funds for an Avian Nursery and Quartine Facility. They are currently halfway to their goal. Help put a permanent smile on Robles little beak and donate to the people that are helping to save his life and ensure his species survival in the wild.
Thanks Barbi. There are a lot of great people on this island and some wonderful vacationers that work hard to help people and animals in need.
Kudos to everyone that steps up and helps anything ,animals or humans in distress.I just read this post and realize it is old ,but I hope you reached your goal.