Wide World of Internet Gremlins
Please excuse the lack of recent posts showing on tacogirl. The site is experiencing major tech gremlins, and as a result the last 6 months of writing has temporarily disappeared, as well as all of the corresponding Facebook posts. 🙁
My tech team is working on doing some “Belize Blue hole diving and restoring” to figure out what has disappeared into the big blue hole of the worldwide web.
Much like the cool and creative beanbag game in the picture below, I am hoping they will be able to reach in, work their magic and bring out all the beanbags aka my writing. As I was about to hit publish, one of my team messaged said he was able to restore old dns settings until proper maintenance works, I am posting this anyways in case gremlins temporarily come back.

Flying Over Blue Hole
If you are not a diver or into long boat rides, you can still enjoy a Blue Hole tour by Tropic air.
This tour follows the reef line from San Pedro south to historic St.George’s Caye. Heading east to Half Moon Caye, Lighthouse Reef Atoll to the Blue Hole where the plane will make several passes of this incredible sight. The return flight takes you past Northern Two Caye and north Ambergris near Rocky Point. From there, you will fly down the Barrier Reef back to San Pedro. Also see Turneffe Atoll, the Booby Bird Sanctuary, shipwrecks, Manatees, and other animals and points of interest. Email me: tacogirlbelize[at]gmail.com to find out pricing and applicable discount Blue Hole and other tours. Click through to Spice up your Belize Vacation and read about how Gabriel not only spiced up his vacation but his love life over the Blue Hole 😉
View Tropic Air Belize Tours page to see what other tours they offer.