caye caulker belize school

Ocean Academy has a secret

The Secret is a movie Ocean Academy students saw about the Law of Attraction that states that every person has the ability to attract things into their life with thoughts and intentions. Negative thinking and beliefs can attract negativity, and thinking positive things all the time can attract positivity into one’s life. The teachers challenged […]

belize texas

Belize Association of Houston Family Fun Day

It is not uncommon for Belizeans seeking job opportunities to move abroad with the United States and Canada being popular choices and many youth opt to attend universities in other countries as well. According to the 2014 Belize Demographics profile information page, migration continues to transform Belize’s population. About 16% of Belizeans live abroad, while […]

big block party at lobsterfest san pedro belize

Lobster Fest Volunteers Wanted

The San Pedro Branch is super excited for the opportunity to host our first Belize Red Cross Youth Agents for Change (Y-AC) Street Beat Training and Activity, but we need your help to make it happen. The San Pedro Branch needs 12 volunteers to receive health education training and participate in a core activity the […]

What I wear to work in Belize

Life is different in the tropics – right down to what people wear to work in Belize. While some have uniforms, many of us are lucky enough to get away with dressing casual. Even though you may be on an island, it’s still important to not be too casual depending on what you do. Remember, […]

belize blood services

Before donating blood, think RED.

It’s important to the San Pedro Belize Red Cross (SPBRC) that our blood donors have a pleasant and easy experience. Our recommendations to help you pass the screening and have a good experience before donating blood is to think RED: Rest, get a good night’s sleep the night before the drive. Eat a healthy meal […]