You may or may not know that there is an an issue happening with foreign bank cards and ATM service in the Belize Banks right now. If you are an expat or traveler this applies to you. This information could save you from a few heart palpitations and stress. Not too long ago, I had […]
Easter in Belize is the biggest party weekend and it is coming fast and furious. Ambergris Caye is filling with people, and stores are super stocked with floaty toys for the holidays. From what I have heard, many hotels and resorts have been well booked for a while. A few Easter weekend reminders: Be safe […]
Passport Information for Citizens from the United States Unfortunately for U.S. expats, the news is not so good. This is the last month you will be able to get extra pages in your passport. Once you run out of pages you will have to apply for a new passport. As of January 2016, the Embassy […]
Best Laid Plans Have you ever had one of those moments where you start peeling a sticker off something and immediately realize that you should not have started that project? I had that happen to me on a few occasions. Thankfully for my silver Exacto knife, one of the VIP things I brought with me […]
Ambergris Caye Belize Tap Water; Is It Safe? While our tap water at the plant is completely potable, there is no guarantee as to the state of the pipes running from Consolidated Water to where ever you are. This was no different than downtown Toronto. On very hot summer days you could definitely smell a […]
You can now get Belikin shipped abroad. Visit Caribbean Spice website and use code BelizePLease to save 5% on your order. P.s. you can also get the Marie Sharps Hot Sauce you’ve been missing. There are two separate Bowen & Bowen (B&B) distributor buildings in San Pedro and there has been some back and forth […]