belize images

What Makes the Best Kind of Party?

The best kind of party is one that is fun, entertaining and has people talking about it long after it is done. The 1st annual 4th of July party at Caribbean Villas is definitely going to be one of those parties. Leave it to a Brit to bring on the best fireworks for the biggest […]

Recap of June Weather in Belize and 3 Celebrations

Slow season is upon us once again although it was not feeling so slow for a while due to my involvement with the Red Cross’ 3 back to back volunteer vacation groups. Which explains my absence of late, for some much needed R&R. Hosting the groups was fun but it wore me out. 🙂 That, […]

Green Reef Receives PACT Environmental Support Grant for Summer Youth Camp

Green Reef Press Release Camp Belize Green Reef, a marine conservation NGO, was awarded a PACT Environmental Support Grant to undertake a four-week summer camp at Basil Jones on North Ambergris Caye adjacent to the Bacalar Chico Marine Reserve. The Summer Youth Camps are being spearheaded by Green Reef in collaboration with Oceana, Hol Chan […]

belize information

San Pedro Belize at Risk Populations and Food Drive

Back in March, we had a visit from Florida Association for Volunteer Action in the Caribbean and the Americas in collaboration with Florida State University Emergency Management and Homeland Security or Favaca as Shirlee and I have come to call their group. At the time I wanted to invite the press to come out but […]

sailing in belize

Endurance Training and Big Beach Party

I remember when Andrew Milner founder of the San Pedro Sailing club was sitting in our backyard years ago telling us about his dream to teach local island kids the art of sailing and how his plans were to find the Olympic quality sailors and get them to master a skill that will allow them […]

birds of belize

Why do You Think This Baby Yucatan Parrot is Smiling?

I find today’s guest post from Coleen Creeden very timely, as I have been working with SAGA and Facebook friends to help complete the San Pedro Belize Red Cross master emergency contact list by including more animal emergency resources. Thankfully Coleen and Rick are very environmentally friendly, well-informed animal lovers. They knew what to look […]