Things to do in Belize

Always So Many Things to Do in Belize

We Never Run Out of Things To Do in Belize; by Shirlee Arnould I was very excited when my friends Mark and Andrea from Las Vegas told me they were coming to San Pedro to visit. As a countdown to their arrival date approached I tried to get as much work done as possible because […]

Sailing Program for Children with Special Needs

Innovative Belize Sailing Program for Special Needs Children On August 14, 2015, the San Pedro Sailing Club, with the help of equipment provided by the Belize Sailing School, was proud and excited to host the first Special Needs Sail Training session with Andrew, one of the many special needs children in San Pedro. Andy Milner, […]

Bay Islands Honduras

Honduras Looking at Ambergris Caye as Inspiration to Save Guanaja Island

Looking to Ambergris Caye for inspiration I received an interesting email below from Miguel De Leon asking for my thoughts and help on cars. He wanted to know if Ambergris Caye is experiencing an influx of cars when golf carts are more than sufficient, and would I share my thoughts as to why his island […]

Getting married in Belize

Extra Special Soft Opening of Stella’s Smile Wine Bar

Stella’s Smile Made David and Alisha Smile One of the things I love about island life is the close sense of community we have. Last Thursday a bunch of us came together for the soft opening of a new wine bar that is located 1 mile north of the bridge called Stella’s Smile. Billing itself […]

Expats in Belize a Short Spanish Lesson and Costa Maya

Packing it all up and moving to Belize Ask any expats in Belize and I am sure they will have a few items on their packing list that are not the traditional things you would think of bringing to a new country. How much people decide to bring varies. I know a few people that […]