Erin is took the opportunity to get a last boat ride in before she leaves tomorrow. Liam went for a swim and opted to stay home and surf the net. BTl has been down most of the day – confirmed with Lara and Pedro’s they are both down as well. Luckily I was up at […]
Last night’s sunset cruise was spectacular. While the sunset was nice – it was a bit over taken by clouds. It was massive orange slowly rising ball of the moon that surprised and wowed us. Cori Paul and I were wondering why the moon was not out yet and Carole came along telling us to […]
Thanks to all the swappers who helped make another successful swap by filling the table with great stuff last night at Stuff Swap and pizza party at Pedro’s. Our table was filled with from clothes – closet organizers – magazines – bags – belts – dvd’s – suitcases and more. One swapper Patricia was so […]
Inspired by Belize Picture Of The Day who is running a series of old Ambergris Caye photographs – I set to to work today with a walk down memory lane on the long standing task of checking back through old posts. The first one had tacoboy and I laughing as we remembered this particular shopping […]
Hot off the press – it has just been decided that Savor San Pedro Food Festival 2010 block party will be Saturday February 13th. Jo and Erin took the kids on a day trip snorkeling and maybe Caye Caulker – I wanted to go but work and laundry were calling so I decided to sit […]
Coming at you live from Las Terrazas. We had a spectacular boat ride this morning with Island Ferry – now located at Tackle Box dock. We got to see a school of 6 dolphins swimming on our way here. Erin is getting a birthday massage at Serenity Spa after Liam is done with his drum […]