San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Mama Vilma’s Family Home

Today’s post comes from the gals at Mama Vilma’s Family Home. They are doing a great job and have some good news to report on the project. Hello! The Executive Committee wants to thank you for your interest in, and support of, Mama Vilma’s Family Home. The members of our organization have been working very […]

flying in belize

Ambergris Caye Chamber of Commerce

Message from Ambergris Caye Chamber of Commerce The Ambergris Caye Chamber of Commerce came into being with the signing of documents on November 7, 2002 and was registered as a Non-Profit Organization December 17, 2002. The first officers were Tom Vidrine, Boatyard; Malcom Hitchcock, Fido’s; Melanie Paz, Amigos del Mar; Keith Newton, Palapa Ventures; and […]