Belize pools

Preparation Mode

There is always lots to do before company comes. Cleaning – laundry – groceries blowing up the new toys for the pool. Heather arrives today on the 12:40 Tropic Air and hurricane Jo gets in tomorrow same time. They have both been so excited all week – lots of chatting on the coconut phone. Heavy […]

Ambergris Caye Belize

tacogirl Guest Listable Top 10 San Pedro Belize Images – AJ Baxter

AJ Baxter is a name that is coming up more frequently in my research. After landing on his Picture Belize photo blog recently  I decided to write him and see if he would be interested in pulling a few of his favorite pictures for a tacogirl top ten post. Top 10 Belize Images – Focus […]

Mayan Princess Hotel

Mayan Princess Party

Princess Party Paul and I sometimes reminisce about how we miss living in town -everything was so close and easy. We decided to recapture that feeling this weekend and spend a night at The Mayan Princess Hotel. On the way our princess party we both agreed that first order of business was to turn the […]