San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Treasure Island Academy Pirate Party 2011

Big sigh – some how WordPress dashboard has decided to change itself and taken away some well used options such as opening links in a new page. Now I have to go in search to see what code is missing from a past post and see if adding it will work – it did. I […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Be Kind Belize Burger Party

Be Kind Belize Burger Party at Tacklebox Bar & Grill Be Kind Belize rewards children who have demonstrated kindness and generosity of spirit. On Sunday the 22nd of May, a group of Island Academy students were able to invite a friend and enjoy a fun filled afternoon at Tacklebox Bar & Grill. The kids were […]

Saga Humane Society

Appetizers Cook Off Results

Today is a catch up day for a couple of Saga Humane Society things that needed to get posted. First off  Ann sent in her Brandi Mermaid and Sushi on Ambergris Caye post so you could all see  a picture of Nyotaimori – Brandi covered in Sushi Sharon’s sushi creations at the the last Saga […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Shooting Stars

Cindy Paul and I floated in the pool last night and sky watched. We saw the big dipper – satellites and shooting stars. Must have seen about 5 satellites – I have never seen them travel so fast which of course led to alien space craft jokes. Shooting stars were active too – 4 of […]