Yesterday I was having a foul weather day inside my head, very stormy and it only got worse when a job I was trying to finish turned into a big can of worms. I suddenly went from being optimistic on finishing in a timely manner to feeling overwhelmed and not knowing where to start. As […]
Casa Picasso has long been a favorite place for many, when Jackie and Adam took it over a year ago and brought it back to life, they did the name justice and gave new meaning to the words dine artfully. They invited everyone out to celebrate their 1 year anniversary last night and pleased the […]
I was ready for a work break yesterday morning and and texted Dick to see if he was into going to town. I waited a bit and decided to call and see what was up for the day at Lucky 13 house. Dave answered the phone, told me to come over and we could go […]
It is very chilly here this morning, enough to make me close the west windows in our living room aka my office. I am sure many of you are thinking cry me a river tacogirl, you have forgotten what cold really is 🙂 Today’s post is for all of you who are ready to ditch […]
Halloween has always topped my list for fun things to do in Belize, people go all out for costumes and we always have a great time. Last night we started a bit late and got to Roadkill bar just in time to have a quick one and head to Pedro’s for the pimp n ho […]
Yesterday I left the house with $50 in my pocket and decided somewhere along the way I would pick up a few groceries. I could not resist stopping in Flamboyant park for a bit as the swing bench was in the shade and it was nice to sit and listen to music for a bit. […]