I was ready for a work break yesterday morning and and texted Dick to see if he was into going to town. I waited a bit and decided to call and see what was up for the day at Lucky 13 house. Dave answered the phone, told me to come over and we could go for a walk and that Dick and Heather were still sleeping.
When I arrived, Dick was up and heading off to take care of a few things in town and our walk had turned into an errand run, Dave had to go return empties and get water. We left Heather sleeping in as that is what vacations are for. As we drove down the back road a guy nicely pointed out our tire was low on air, Dave knew this already and plan was to drop the empties off go get air at the gas station down the road, come back and pick up the water jugs. When we arrived at the Belikin Beer distributor the guy that was helping us sort our empties noticed our tire and offered to put air in for us, now that is good service.
Dave returned four cases of Belikin beer for a credit of around $30 bzd and purchased four, five gallon containers of water $14 bzd.
Next we headed south on the main road and Dave said we needed a quick pit stop for a new golf cart lock as Zac’s combination lock had stopped working for some reason. [general consensus was weather related rust somewhere inside]
There was one last stop on Dave’s list and we ended up at Super Buy South for some butt wipe. When he came out of the store I saw he had the special occasion kind, Charmin and I joked with him that it must have cost a small fortune. As it turns out the toilet paper was not priced in the store and he got to the counter and found out it was $30 bzd and change for 12 rolls – ouch.

Part of Dicks business in town was to stop at Lino’s for some thick cut pork chops. Paul and I had been invited for dinner and we brought Running W sausages. Dave did a great job of cooking it all up on the grill, there are foil packs of potatoes under all the meat – Yum.