Great bird watching in the pool today. We saw Whooping Cranes – turkey vultures and snowy egrets. Gwen was our guide explaining what the various birds flying overhead were and telling us some interesting bird facts. The water was refreshing – I wore a t-shirt in the pool today so was not too cold. Hanging […]
Saved myself a taco for breakfast yum. Very slow moving morning at the taco shack I managed to wake up and catch a bit of the sunrise [from bed] then promptly fell back to a nice restful Sunday morning sleep. Got some work done and cleared away about 40+ emails – time for a break. […]
Caught a ride to town with Cindy town to meet JC and Christine for coffee. Jc a photographer and avid social networker has been showing 5 bloggers around San Pedro and “blogging Belize” Check out pics on Ambergris Today blog of the BTB in Taipei international travel fair. Carrie O’Farrell’s art show at Red Ginger […]
I thought I could overtake the mud puddle but I was wrong. It got too deep and muddy making me come to a fast stop and get double ankle height soakers. Dorry and Guillermo came to class today. Lots of fun Daily San Pedro Weather: feeling cold by the end of aquafit class and I […]
I chickened out of going to aquafit today at 9:50 am – pretty much the last minute. When thoughts of having to wear my wetsuit start crossing my mind it makes it harder for me to motivate myself. Going to practice some tai chi with my portable iPod shuffle speaker instead – I think that […]
I asked a few people to submit tacogirl Top 10 lists so keep a watch for them – kicking it off with a temporary islander Dorry’s list… Top Ten simple pleasures of living in San Pedro Belize 1. Helpful, friendly people. 2. Cheap fresh fruit and produce in walking distance from home. 3. Screen doors […]