Happy Birthday Belize

Working Hard Towards Former Parade Glory – Happy Birthday Belize

Yesterday was Belize’s 37th Independence day and countrywide the nation turned out in style to say “Happy Birthday Belize”. While it always had been great the past few years, the parade has been a little light. This year it finally felt like it was getting back on track towards what it once used to be […]

Belmopan Belize

Happy Holidays and Off Season Accommodations Deals

Happy Holidays wishing everyone a safe and fun St Georges Caye day. For those of you who want a bit of Belize history, Wiki to the rescue… St. George’s Caye was settled as a town in 1650, and was the largest settlement in what was at the time British Honduras in the 17th century and […]

Iguana Juan's

Fire Fundraiser at Iguana Juan’s

When living on a small island with a wonderful tight-net community, we come together for each other. A recent fire that took out many families homes inspired a wonderful restaurant, Iguana Juan’s, to put together an evening of a gorgeous 3-course meal with accompanying music….and proceeds going towards the victims. With an extremely talented chef […]

september in belize

It’s Party Time – September in Belize

The San Pedro Town Council did a great job creating a poster for this year’s September Celebrations in San Pedro. As you can see there are no shortage of events to celebrate the time around Belize’s Birthday on the 21st  – this year the country turns 37.    September in Belize 2018 September 3, Coconut […]

D'Office Bar and Grill

Often Overlooked Place for Tacos on a Stick With a View

Because of it is slightly off the beaten path (but easy to reach) D’Office Bar and Grill is an often overlooked place. After seeing my cheap food in downtown San Pedro write up, a longtime Belize traveler and a tacogirl.com reader wrote me wanting to promote it one of their favorites. I have eaten there a […]

Belize Airports

Jesse James Style Caye Caulker Adventure

It was a hot sunny day and my Canadian travel buddy Eskimo Pie aka Cathy and I made it to the 10:00 am water taxi just in time. It was her last day in Belize so I wanted to plan a special getaway so I enlisted the help of my Caye Caulker correspondent B. Flood (Brad).  […]