tropical storm photos hurricane rina

Hurricane Rina pictures

Paul decided we should go for a long walk yesterday since the sun came out and Hurricane Rina was not making us housebound. Paula, Jessie faye and Dick were heading to town so we decided to join them. I have a ton of pics to sort through so I will be adding more throughout the […]

hurricane rina 2011 ambergris caye belize weather october

Hurricane Rina

9:00am Belize weather brings us Hurricane Rina.  So far so good we have been getting rain this morning but nothing crazy and our place is are not leaking anywhere. According to the wunderground 5 day forecast  Hurricane Rina will be due north of the island this afternoon.  I am not sure that the hurricane will […]

saga humane society ambergris caye belize

Happy Tails – no Hankies Required

Happy Tails – no hankies required – unless you’re the sort that cries with happiness! In February, animal lovers were horrified to hear the sad story of  Zenda, the poor dog thrown over the fence at SAGA Humane Society. She had been used as a puppy machine, starved, chained and abused. As if that wasn’t […]