Some of you may remember a while back I mentioned a surprise invitation – today is the day the cat comes out of the bag on that one. We are headed 4 miles south to Casa Hol Chan to our first wedding of 2010 – Matt aka buzzbean and Karen’s are tying the knot. More […]
For the last 3 days I have texted Lara every morning to see if her internet is back up – answer always the same – nothing for her either. Paul called a couple of times and they keep telling him that they have our report on file. So we patiently wait for those magic words […]
Got an email from Hilario today who wanted to keep you in the loop about what’s happening in Belmopan with BDARRT and some information for those that might be interested to join their rescue team and to participate in this free training. The Belize Disaster and Rescue Response Team (BDARRT), will be conducting a three […]
Spent my morning between work and enjoying a farewell dock party with Snoop and Coolio or as you know them Big Erin and Mike. We soaked up the sun watched birds fly and boats pass. Erin treated herself to a massage at the day spa on the dock between Banyan Bay and Xanadu. BTL is […]
Erin is took the opportunity to get a last boat ride in before she leaves tomorrow. Liam went for a swim and opted to stay home and surf the net. BTl has been down most of the day – confirmed with Lara and Pedro’s they are both down as well. Luckily I was up at […]
Last night’s sunset cruise was spectacular. While the sunset was nice – it was a bit over taken by clouds. It was massive orange slowly rising ball of the moon that surprised and wowed us. Cori Paul and I were wondering why the moon was not out yet and Carole came along telling us to […]