San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Hot Friday

It is a cooker today. I am sitting here waiting for coast to coast to come on in Guam – looking forward to my morning dose of talk radio. It is really coming together together for my road building birthday party Sunday – huge thanks to Jana and CJ who donated 38 lunches for the […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

The Heart of Nature – Belize

Things are moving right along – Harold [and Gayle Cox]  emailed me wanting to donate $100 usd towards a wheelbarrow and possibly a back support belt. He asked if I could find out of Pedro’s Hotel would allow him to run his card there since they know him from a recent visit – Pedro was […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

You are all invited…

If you somehow have not seen my facebook invitation I am putting it here too. FB was acting up when I was making it and I am pretty sure people either did not get it or got it more than once. The first donation from items off Eric’s list has come in. I got a […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Who is Forrest Jones?

I was excited when Forrest agreed to do a spotlight. He is a very interesting person and I knew what he had to say would be good reading and was looking forward to learning more about him. Feel free to leave comment for Forrest and say hi. What’s your claim to fame? Being able to […]

athens gate

Athens Gate on Ambergris Caye

As we continue our crawl of Belize resorts, our next stop is Athens Gate. This resort is on Ambergris Caye which is a few minutes north of Pelican Reef and still in the 3 miles south range. It’s just as nice as Pelican Reef but in a different way – whoever decorated this one likes […]

Pelican Reef Belize

Pelican Reef Villas

Southbound to Belize Paradise Coming at you from Pelican Reef Villas. So glad to be here and just be able to take a break for a while, even if it is at a resort just south of town. This past week has been overwhelming and fantastic new ideas regarding San Mateo keep coming up all […]