Belize house rentals

Basil Moved Home

I was heading over to the new place to let Basil out this morning.  He recently decided he wanted to move back home and found his way there – so we have been letting him stay at Cindy’s again.  I took Molly with me and she seemed to know just where we were going on […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Coconut Leo

Many of you know Coconut Leo and bought coconut water from him or seen him doing his acrobatics around town. At Exotic Caye Resort / Crazy Canucks Sunday Jam Leo decided to give us a show. Everyone was wowed be it first timers or those who have seen him many times. I was just sent […]

Sunday Jam at Crazy Canucks Beach Bar

Estel’s for breakfast – nap – Sunday Jam at Crazy Canucks beach bar – Caroline’s Cooking for dinner and the people in the pics below [too many to name] all made our Sunday a super fun day. kcjayhawk was joking with us at dinner that this is the first time we have done breakfast and […]

5th Annual San Pedro Lighted Boat Parade

Tonight marks the he Fifth Annual Holiday Lighted Boat Parade. This year we got invited to go on Dick and Carole’s boat and to watch the parade from Coral Bay Villas – Chunky and Ruth are doing a shrimp boil. Tough choice as both options are very appealing – we are leaning towards the shrimp […]