Due to hearing about two girls who were prayed upon recently by guys trying to rip them off, I decided that the self defense course Jan and TI were putting together for Saturday July 21st was a sound idea. I firmly believe it never hurts to be able to show someone the picked ‘the wrong […]
This morning felt like I was running in glue, trying to sort pics and get all the high res ones off my computer. I was hoping to finish before going out but it was just to sticky and slow, I decided that taking myself on a date to Estel’s would make everything right. Around Grand […]
What a crazy ride, I started this blog 3 days ago then all hell broke loose with our internet Saturday and neither of us could stay on longer than 2 seconds. Paul called BTL for service and they said they would send someone out in the next 24h. When I did a follow up call […]
My nickname today could be grumpy Cinderella. The internet kept kicking me off for extended periods and left me wondering what we are paying for, especially when our download speed is half what It should be. Since I could not do the work I needed to get done on my laptop, I swept and mopped […]
We are in the midst of having an Optometry Conference here on Ambergris Caye. Dr. Renae emailed me a bit more detail and I thought it would be interesting to mention.I went to the CE in Belize website link she sent to learn more and I liked what I saw…. Fulfill your need for quality […]
I finally got a start on editing the Lobstermania pool party pictures. I was hoping to get further along but I still have to make dinner and get back to town for the Red Cross Community meeting at 7:00pm Town Hall. We had such a great time staying up at Grand Caribe for the party […]