Due to hearing about two girls who were prayed upon recently by guys trying to rip them off, I decided that the self defense course Jan and TI were putting together for Saturday July 21st was a sound idea. I firmly believe it never hurts to be able to show someone the picked ‘the wrong Gringa’ as Lara Goldman put it a few years back when someone tried to snatch her purse off her moving golf cart. Little did the guy know he picked a female boxer and was not going to get anything but the ass kicking he deserved. I emailed to sign myself up for the morning class and asked them for details to help promote it.
After reading the flier Jan sent, I was surprised and pleased to find out Renee Wentz was the one teaching the class. I had heard about her from Dr Al in regards to a different matter. Both Jan and Ti said she is a great teacher an that we will learn a lot from her.
Learn Self Defense in San Pedro!
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Cost: Girls age 7-14 yrs $15.00; 15+ yrs $30.00
(fee must be paid in advance)
Children under 7 yrs attend FREE with adult
Place: Banyan Bay Conference Center
Two sessions to choose from: 8:30am-12pm or 1pm-4:30pm
Learn: street safety, observations skills, how to prevent attacks, using voice as weapon, physical skills and how to defend against chokes, strangulation, suffocation, weapons and more!
The instructor, Renee Wentz, has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and has taught self-defense to over 1,000 people in
Belize since 2002.
Open to all women and girls, regardless of age or fitness level. They are taking sponsorships for local girls so that they can attend the course, if you would like to sponsor a school girl to take the course place make contact.
I would like to say I could be the girl in the air or the one on the end doing the high kick, but after some years of Tai Chi training I am happy to be able to do a good roundhouse kick and not sure my personal gravity would allow for me to fly through the air like Jackie Chan.

“The dark side of the mind and body become as one, and fear and belief can kill” This is the philosophy that Rene teaches. Its a good start. But in Belize nothing beats a bull mastiff by your side and packin’ a glock 45.