San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Post-it® Digital Notes

I’m taking another step forward in my ongoing quest for some sort of organization. I decided to find digital post-it notes this morning for my laptop. There were many options out there, but I went with the 30 day free trial from 3M – a reliable company. Their cost is $19.99 – thankfully not terribly […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

How South Beach will effect Ambergris Caye Belize

Colette and I were chatting on the coconut phone this morning and she asked if I had seen the south beach video. After letting it run through once I was able to watch uninterrupted, and thought it was definitely worth posting to help get the message far and wide. South Beach Belize is a mega […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Quiet San Pedro Sunday

You Tube clip of last night’s boat parade on the way. Still waiting to upload, but I have to head out and meet Shuffles and Mary. We’re are going to go visit Wade the Gringo for a bit – he’s having a sale and I know he’ll have some good stuff to look at. Mary […]