Flash back to Saturday – for the past few days the power pole has been making zzzzttt zzzztttcracklingnoises. I have heard this before in town so I realized something was not right but did not think to much of it. Well Saturday afternoon we started experiencing rapid fire power cuts and knewsomethingwas up. We unplugged everything even our surge protectors really fast having had serious power issues before at the green house right before my birthday party – our tv that was turned off at the time started smoking like crazy so we knew not to mess around. That one had blown out a few surge protectors and left Rick – Paul – Joy and Iroughing it big time till Handyman Eddie was able to sort us out.
Went outside to0investigateand saw our neighbor who was on the phone coming downstairs. She pointed at thepower lineand everything became very clear – a large piece pf power line had gotdisconnectedand was just hanging there. We compared notes about what wethoughtmay be blown in our apartments – her ceiling fan and our tv.
Surprisinglysince it was a holiday Belize Electricity Limited responded to her call very quickly and dispatched 2 Bel guys to fix thew problem. A bunch of us who live in the building were rubbernecking while they fixed it and teacher Lisa knowing I was snapping pics for the blob joked I should call itLaboronLaborday so I took her up on that. Thankfully the fixed the problem fast and I am pleased to say that Paul is in the next room watching Star Warsright now.