Belize pools

Preparation Mode

There is always lots to do before company comes. Cleaning – laundry – groceries blowing up the new toys for the pool. Heather arrives today on the 12:40 Tropic Air and hurricane Jo gets in tomorrow same time. They have both been so excited all week – lots of chatting on the coconut phone. Heavy […]

Develop Your Eccentricities

I think David Ogilvy was  bang on with this thought – Develop your eccentricities while you are young. That way, when you get old, people won’t think you’re going gaga. I am feeling very TGIF today – decided that my best course of action was to get up early – get as much as I […]

Banana Bank Horse Ranch Belize

I Didn’t Expect to Fall in Love With Belize

I didn’t expect to fall in love with Belize By Rhiannon Fionn-Bowman Before I scheduled a Western Caribbean cruise in 2003, I had never even heard of Belize. That’s a stunning admission today since I can’t get the country off my mind. I was only there for a day, but in the years since I’ve […]

Belize to Texas

Yesterday was Erin and Rudy’s Last day. We started out doing breakfast at Rico’s on the water then walked the beach back to Caribbean Villas to enjoy the last of our beach time together before the cab turned up to take them to Tropic Air for the 2pm flight to Belize City. Neither of them […]

Belize A Great Destination Explorer's Guide published by The Countryman press

Belize Travel Top Ten

In celebration of the launch of Kate Joynes-Burgess new book I asked her to do the honors of the first tacogirl Top Ten List for 2011. Big shout it to Kate who will be celebrating at her London Book launch tomorrow for Belize a Great Destination explorers guide. The Party will be held at Senate […]