Belize Food

How to Make the Best Iced Tea, an Avocado Tip and a Cool Camera Trick

Making Sun Tea As hot as it has been in San Pedro lately I have taken to making iced tea again. Inspired by a recent trip to Lamanai Landings in Orange Walk I found the missing puzzle piece to that. I was always into making sun tea and consider it the lazy cook’s way. It […]

Restaurants in San Pedro Belize

Restaurant Guide for Picky Eaters and Food Adventurers

Being a picky eater definitely has its downside, especially when you are traveling. Recently I heard a crazy account from friends that had visiting relatives in town. Long story short, the kids were ultra picky kids and did not want to eat hardly anything beyond chips and salsa and some days that was a stretch […]

Recycling in Belize

Lost My Wallet and Found Some Insight in the Process

Yesterday evening I had a very unfortunate experience. I went to go check my wallet to see how much cash I had on me that was earmarked for a bill and it was nowhere to be found. My stomach sank and instantly I felt nauseous at the thought. Immediately after dumping my bag upside down and […]

best free brain training apps

Ever wondered “Is it worth it?” Absolutely!

“Are those free brain training apps worth downloading” is a question and the conversation I have had with more than one person. While there was curiosity, most had not taken the plunge as they were questioning if it was worth trying or not. My answer is “absolutely” and more specifically try Elevate, your personal brain […]

What to do in Belize City

A Fun Way to Kick-off September Celebrations

One of the biggest music competitions in Belize, the National Song Competition, kicks off the September Celebrations with live music, vibrant costumes and energetic Belizean artists all on one fun stage! The competition, sponsored by the National Institute of Culture and History, the September Celebrations Committee, and Atlantic International Bank, is extremely unique as it […]