Lately, it has been hotter than hot sauce. Even our swimming pool was literally like bath water the other day. We have also been experiencing slightly more rain and the past 2 nights there have been middle of the night showers with enough rain to make me get up and close the east windows. That did not cool anything down, however. During the daytime, you can still spit on the ground and watch it sizzle.
I swear it feels like I lose a liter of water every time I ride my bike to town and back to do errands. Thankfully 3 of my errands were in air-conditioned buildings. First stop was Atlantic Bank where I had to once again try and sort out why my bank card and matching pin number were not working. I finally got the answer (after a few visits). Apparently, the very card I was holding was noted “lost” in my file and therefore canceled – go figure. I will be getting a new one within a week. I was glad to have an answer and cool off in the process.
Next came Reef Radio & TV to see Shirlee. That is our temporary San Pedro Red Cross office and she was printing a letter for me. The air conditioning was perfect there and it did not make me want to reach for a sweater.
The last errand was to Town Board to drop off the letter for Severo. BRRR, it was extra cold in there but I did not mind and took a moment to sit in the waiting chairs after I had handed my letter in to really cool off.
I decided to hit the park for a bit and take some pictures for this post. Reginald Castillo was watching me and asked me to take his picture as he wanted to see what he looked like. Then a few kids playing under the jungle gym for shade wanted their picture taken too.
Needing one last cool down before my bike ride home I stopped by the Phoenix where I know the condo is always sweater weather inside 🙂 To my surprise, I got offered homemade funnel cake with maple bacon glaze on top – yummy. The ride home was hot enough to make me turn the A/C on when I got home – something I rarely do. I am glad Aimee is driving to the Pirate Exhibit tonight even though it is slightly cooler at night, the heat sucked up my energy and I do not have the steam to ride to town and back twice in one day.
Weather in Belize in September
Temperatures average around 27°C or 81°F with highs of 30°C or 86°F and lows of 25°C or 77°F. This month also brings increasing rainfall, with short heavy showers late at night and early mornings. In spite of the rain, most days are hot and sunny with fewer trade winds than usual. If daytime rain happens is is usually short sun showers. This is a time when inland temperatures can be cooler than the coast which is rare.
We are still in hurricane season and due to the high heats of August and September, this is the time when tropical waves, tropical storms and hurricanes can be more prevalent. Thankfully we have not had any come our way this year.
Another great thing about September in Belize, magically country comes alive with red white and blue decorations as everyone gets ready to celebrate our two big holidays on Sept 10 and Sept 21. These two special days are celebrated countrywide and commemorate the battle of St George’s Caye in 1798 and Belize’ Independence in 1981.
Artsy images for today