Barts Bash Belize

Second Annual Barts Bash 2015

The Nation’s Youngest Sailors Beat Their Elders in Belize’s Segment of the 2nd Annual Bart’s Bash International Regatta On Sunday, September 20, 2015, at 9:30 AM prompt, 26 sailing vessels manned and crewed by Belizeans were at the line when the horn sounded the start of the 2015 Bart’s Bash Belize in the waters off […]

West Bay Fundraiser, San Pedro Fashion Show and Full Moon Concert

Hope the weather holds up As predicted by the weather gods and Weather Underground, we have been experiencing off and on rain for the past few days. The night before last, I got word via Facebook messenger from Aimee that our BRC-SP meteorologist Frank said “expect rain on Friday and Saturday and then skies will clear […]

Pupusa in Belize

The Coming Pupusa War

A Tongue in Cheek Story by Bill McMichael When in San Pedro, we frequently make a point of dining at one or both of the Pupusarias on Middle Street. For those that do not know what pupusas are, Wikipedia describes pupusas as follows: A pupusa (Spanish pronunciation: pu’pusa, from Pipil pupusaw) is a traditional Salvadoran dish […]

Belize Independence

A Rained out 34th Independence Day did not Stop the Party

Waterlogged San Pedro Thankfully for party goers, it waited till after the fireworks and Independence eve celebration for Chac (the rain god of the Maya) to let loose. It down poured fairly heavy from about 1:30 am onward and kept right on going. As a result, there was some damage control yesterday morning. First off, […]


Bon Voyage San Ignacio, Hello Belmopan

This afternoon we said goodbye to San Ignacio and hello to Belmopan. After three days of luxury at the San Ignacio Hotel, we are about to get back to nature and enjoy a tropical Hobbit house experience before going home to the San Pedro rat race. Not wanting us to schlep our bags down the […]

Belize postal service

Belize Postal Service, a Dirty little Secret and Current Internet Pricing

Belize Postal Service is an area of question that often comes up for future expats, they want to know what options are available for mail delivery and in some cases need to have a change of address set up in advance.  Our mail system is general delivery and we have no zip/postal codes, something that […]