It’s 3 AM and I am so glad we (for the most part) got prepared last night for today, because my brain is not totally up yet. You can see Paul’s secret surprise, which is to the left hand side. Yesterday I went and bought up all the float rings at Caye Supplies. Last night […]
Wow, time flies. Mary 1220 and Crew are already leaving from their 9 days in paradise. Mary texted me to see if I wanted to do breakfast at Hummingbird before they left, and I did not think twice about trading in my pool time for bacon & eggs with good company. I was definitely not […]
For all of you planning to come to Paul and Jeff’s birthday party, we are still going with our original plan. Still waiting on a few minor details regrading how long we’ll have the boat, and at what price, before I can send out the invitations. Will let everyone know ASAP. I’m so excited, I […]
It is a very random, order-less day. I’ve been consciously focusing on the things I can do and not worrying about the stuff I have no control over. As we all know, patience is a must living here – makes life so much easier. So instead of planning Paul’s birthday party, I’ve been uploading to […]
I’m taking another step forward in my ongoing quest for some sort of organization. I decided to find digital post-it notes this morning for my laptop. There were many options out there, but I went with the 30 day free trial from 3M – a reliable company. Their cost is $19.99 – thankfully not terribly […]
It has been an interesting day. After last night, Paul declared war to Cindy on Facebook, then we met up with her for breakfast to discuss the details. It all started last night when Paul threw Cindy in the pool fully dressed after she slapped his leg, which is badly sunburned from Saturday’s beach day. […]