No better way to spend a Saturday afternoon in San Pedro than eating bbq – playing with floaty toys and chillin in the pool with friends. We had a great time at Walters got a Big Deck pool party was so much fun that everyone stayed longer than we had planed. Ended up playing trivia […]
I was going to do a split post between Jen’s Yoga class and Walters got a big Deck party at Pedro’s but after doing the class I think Jen needs a post of her own. I have to be honest I am not a hug yoga person and coming from that place I can say […]
tq is here now we are both surfing the net/blogging and catching up while waiting for Paul to bring home pizza then we will all go to town later. Shannon’s big news Clyde Drexler asked her if she could change a $100 at the Belize airport while waiting for her plane to San Pedro. Spent […]
So much is is going on today I do not even I do not even know where to begin. First off I found out my cholesterol is great 166 she said normal is 170. I was glad and surprised at the same time because I have tested high twice. That goes to show me that […]
Catamaran beach bar was packed last night for our Neighborhood Watch meeting. Residents of San Marcos and San Pablo joined together to get better acquainted with their neighbors and share ideas on how to make these areas safer. San Marcos and San Pablo span from the street where Crystal Water depot is on north to […]
Went to the School with Mitch this morning to celebrate the donation of a new industrial stove with a ribbon cutting ceremony followed by a delicious lunch prepared by Chef Victor Nal of Sunset Grill. Preparing and serving breakfast a fruit snack and lunch daily for 500 kids is no small feat – even the […]