San Pedro Belize

Two Iconic Islanders Need Your Help – Maria and Coconut Leo – Ambergris Caye Community Listicle

Sometimes life throws a curve ball your way and you have to do what you can to survive. As was the case of Maria the fruit/juice lady, a global favorite. Both my friend Jenna and I were happy to see she and the family fruit stand landed in a new location after both her home […]

Daily Life in Belize

Sometimes You Need Extreme Patience

Daily life in Belize is not always easy. I messaged both Wade and Kathy from Roadkill Bar this morning to let them know that I was finally changing my sign that is on display along the outside fence of the bar. After that, I decided to check and I found the start of getting the […]

Belize Teachers

Belize Teachers Wanted by United States Schools

Once in a while opportunity knocks and for those lucky people whose door it knocks on, it can be life-changing.  Especially when it means expanding your knowledge and horizons within your chosen career in another country. Even better when it comes without having to make a huge decision to save up in order to be able […]

Belize Weather

July Rainy Weather? Events and Mariachied on My Way Home

July Weather in Belize The forecast for the first week in July is calling for partly sunny skies with temperatures reaching 87. 8°F (31°C) with lows overnight down to a nice 75.2°F (2 4°C). According to NOAA’s cool satellite image I used above for the feature, there doesn’t look like there is much on its […]

San Pedro Lobster Fest Block Party 2018

Sea of People – The San Pedro Lobster Fest Block Party 2018

After a week-long Lobster Crawl the big day finally arrived – The San Pedro Lobster Fest Block Party 2018. This year marked the 12th annual Lobster Festival and it is still going stronger than ever.  Right from the get-go on Saturday morning messages were flying back and forth about meeting up, who was going to […]

Lobster Crawl 2018

Last Call for Lobster Crawl

Afternoon Lobsters Crawl Event Yesterday was the last call for Lobster Crawl and my friend Denise was looking for someone to hit the two events with. We started out in the afternoon at the Palapa Bar and Grill to hear Roy Hale sing and catch up with a few friends we knew would be there. […]