Today I went for 3 very different photos. I chose the first one as a nice downtown San Pedro shot for everyone who is coming and because I have been enjoying our lagoon view – daydreaming about being on the water. The second one I picked because I like the size of the truck in […]
I am excited I just got an invitation and it is another first for 2010. I can’t tell you what it is right now but you will know soon enough. Was a busy morning at the taco shack Cindy stopped by to wash her polar fleece for her trip to Arizona and she asked if […]
Puppy Found in Bag When Morgan, whose parents own the Playa Lounge, found a discarded plastic bag on the beach last Friday she was shocked and distressed to discover that it contained a tiny puppy. Unwanted, unloved and uncared for, the little puppy had been heartlessly tied up in a plastic bag and thrown to […]
What a nice morning. Been enjoying coffee on the veranda talking to Heather and watching boats – puddle jumpers and Ultralights. So far the Ultralights have made 2 passes by us – you can read more about them on Ambergris Daily. Joanne went to Belize City early to meet some Government people about the upcoming […]
It was nice catching up with Captain Jeff and Steve at Estel’s this morning. Afterward Capt Jeff had some stuff to cross of his list and since it was still early I told him I would enjoy hanging out and on an errand run. Lots going on today Heather and Taylor arrive. Some of you […]
There has been talk on both message boards about how cold the weather in Belize is this week. Today is 66.8° F / 19° C and the sun is not shining. Heather from Direct Abundance and her daughter Taylor show up tomorrow – I told her to make sure she has a warm clothing option. […]