San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Official Lobsterfest Schedule 2010

The organizers of San Pedro Lobsterfest are pleased to announce the official schedule for Lobsterfest 2010. Enjoy 5 days of fun, celebrating the official opening of Lobster Season in the tropical paradise of Belize. In addition to some new twists on the traditional Lobsterfest Town Block Party (June 19th), the organizers have arranged a variety […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Arrrghh – Island Academy Pirate Party Fundraiser

The Island Academy Pirate Party Fundraiser was a big success – good turn out and some great costumes. Everyone had a fun time. The kids loved limbo and bouncy tent. Adults were quite happy buying raffle tickets – playing poker – roulette – blackjack – bingo and chalupa [Mexican bingo]. Since it was a fundraiser […]