San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Walking on the Beach

Erin Rudy and I went for breakfast at Lily’s on the beach this morning then walked around town a bit. They decided today would be a good day to go to tour Holy Cross and San Mateo area – Erin has seen both but this was Rudy’s first time. Next stop was Maria’s fruit market […]

Belize A Great Destination Explorer's Guide published by The Countryman press

Belize Travel Top Ten – a Guest Listable on tacogirl Blog

In celebration of the launch of Kate Joynes-Burgess new book I asked her to do the honors of the first tacogirl Top Ten List for 2011. Big shout it to Kate who will be celebrating at her London Book launch tomorrow for Belize a Great Destination explorers guide. The Party will be held at Senate […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Stag and Doe Poker run

Destination Wedding Belize Party has officially begun. I just finished doing the loot bags for the stag and doe poker run tonight. 6pm start at Roadkill – it is going to be one fun party. Erin and Rudy are taking the 4:40pm Tropic Air flight. We will have just enough time to meet them at […]

Water Taxi from San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, Belize to Chetumal Mexico

Yesterday Cindy, Michael and I took The San Pedro Water Jets water taxi from Belize to Mexico. It was Cindy and my first time but Michael had taken the trip a few times. We all had a ball and got starry eyed in Sam’s Club and Walmart – so much to look at. My big […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Belize on BBC Radio Gloucestershire’s Breakfast Show

Photographer and Author Kate Joynes-Burgess was interviewed by Tom Lowe live on BBC Radio Gloucestershire’s breakfast show last Saturday. It was a great interview – Tom asked Kate about her travels around Belize and her new book Belize A Great Destination Explorer’s Guide published by The Countryman press. There are 3 days left to listen […]