San Pedro Belize beach pictures

It’s raining Cats in San Pedro

Don’t Have Kittens Because it’s Raining cats… and more cats in San Pedro! You might just have one cat or maybe even two. They hang around, entertain the children and hopefully catch mice and rats. They may be house pets, loved by the family for their personality and playful nature. They might just be cats […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Summer Update from Holy Cross

Summer Update from Holy Cross (inc Tropical Storm Harvey) Hello once again to all our faithful supporters. We really hope you have all had a great summer, and our thoughts are with all of you from Texas who are suffering worse heat than we are. First up, I’d like to reassure you all that Tropical […]

Ambergris Caye Beach

Post travel blues

Since moving to Ambergris Caye, Belize 5.5 years ago I have noticed a commonality among both first-timers and repeat visitors, not wanting to leave at the end of their trip. Today’s guest post brings with it some useful tips on how to beat your holiday blues and get back into the swing of things. Post-travel […]


Tropical Storm Harvey

Belize weather will be affected some, by Tropical Storm Harvey.  According to Weather Wunderground, it looks like Harvey is not going to do much more than keep San Pedro windy and wet. After this morning’s 6:00 am downpour we have not even had that much rain, lots of grey skies though. I will not bore […]

Public Pool San Pedro Belize

Hot at the pool

I am very happy on 2 counts right now. First off it looks like it is about to pour down rain and I would love nothing more right now. Secondly, I got some great pool pictures today, I had Eileen meet me early to get some shots of the two of us doing different aquafit […]