In the Trees Writer’s Retreat, Benque Viejo Del Carmen Belize

In the Trees Writer’s Retreat, Benque Viejo

A regular reader once told me you can’t be Hemingway every day. I considered it very wise advice, and I tempered it with always refining my craft and developing a clear writing voice. When host, Virginia emailed me asking if I wanted to attend a writers retreat in Benque, I was all over it. The […]

North Ambergris Caye

Secret Beach and My Biggest Conflict About Blogging

My biggest conflict about blogging is absolutely a double-edged sword. I fell in love with the old world charm of Ambergris Caye, Belize and the very thing I ended up doing for a living has been contributing factor in changing the face of the island by increasing tourism and expats. Increase = growth and change. […]

Ruta Maya River Challenge Belize

Go Lunatics – Ruta Maya River Challenge

I am not brave or foolish enough to sign on for a four-day canoe event, that is just not how my tv channel changing body rolls 😀 Thankfully I have known people who are both brave and foolish and sometimes more than once like Cindy and Rubio who did last years race (as you will […]

San Pedro Belize Carnival – A Pause for Reflection

This year the first great Carnival event gave me something different and I can credit San Pedro House of Culture for that. The night took me back through the years not only with San Pedro Belize Carnival history. It also had me reflecting on my life in Belize and past Carnival celebrations. I thought about […]