boat in belize

Garifuna Settlement Day Celebrations

I would like to welcome you Paula, my guest poster for today. I was thinking about how to frame her first post with a good introduction and waiting for an idea. After reading what she had to say I decided to make it 2 people’s stories of how they spent their Garifuna Settlement Day in […]

articles on exercise

New San Pedro Map & Guide

I was very excited to see the new San Pedro Map guide the other day, I like the image Paul chose. I remember walking through town shooting pictures specifically for the new cover shot – wide setting, portrait format. It was a  warm sunny  San Pedro day and as usual there was no shortage of […]

Ashanti Garcia Airbender doing yoga in belize

Belize Yoga Dance Fusion at Cayo Arts Festival

I am still in rest mode but feeling much better so I decided a second blog was in order today. Working towards clearing out my ‘to blog’ folder in Gmail –  it is growing too fast. This next piece below comes from a very talented yoga aficionado Ashanti Airbender Garcia. Some of you will remember […]

belize humane society

Abandoned and Shot Now Loved and Protected

There is no doubt that Si was probably a very cute puppy. It’s easy to imagine a child playing with him and enjoying the wonderful bond that develops between puppies and children. What is not so easy to imagine is how such a sweet potlicker grew up, having been cared for by someone and then […]

Bob Bounahra Belize picture

What Happened in Vegas Made it to Belize

Sorry no strip club pics or San Pedro crew behaving badly at WSOP 2011.  tacoboy did get some nice shots of everyone enjoying the exclusive Bob Bounahra party at the Bellagio Hotel where the appetizers were tasty, champagne was flowing freely causing a few people to wake up in slow-mo the next morning’. He also […]

st georges caye belize youth sailing optimist regatta

2011 San Pedro Belize Optimist Class National Championship Regatta

I am being a bad girl and bribing myself with a coffee this morning – trying quit while I am still sick. Being extra cautious as Cindy’s cold lasted 3 weeks and ended up to the point where she had to start doctors visits and medication in order to kick it – I do not […]