San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Happy 29th Belize

Belize’s Independence Day is September 21 – and the country celebrates big time with red white and blue decorations – street parades – music – dancing and food. Today’s independence day marks Belize’s 29th Birthday – Happy Birthday Belize. Funny to think that I am older than the country I live in. I have gone […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

I Never Liked Spam

I never liked canned spam and I feel about the same for email and blog comment spam which is unfortunately on the rise lately. I keep getting the same spam comments on a particular post and it starts out like this…. Why have you taken out my post? It was very beneficial information and i […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

Maureen’s Belize Spa Day

I often get emails from people asking the price of  Ambergris Caye rentals so I will give you an example from our building La Hacienda. Here is what they are going for – Two bedroom apts, furnished or unfurnished, nice location, pool and boat dock. $650 usd [first last required] – 2000 sq ft Three […]

San Pedro Belize beach pictures

After the rain

I am so pleased – Harold saw yesterdays post about Alan’s rain boot donation and he left comment about how he going to ask his friends for donations so that the San Mateo Empowerment project can get more rain boots for the crew – how cool is that. With 40 workers – to much water […]

San Pedro Belize

Wet Wednesday

Forecast for Ambergris Caye Weather:  It’s a wet one. So far we have had about 3 inches of rain from Tropical Storm Karl and it does not look like it is stopping anytime soon. TS Karl is hitting north of us and the wunderground tracking map shows it alternating between a tropical storm – tropical […]