I am still in rest mode but feeling much better so I decided a second blog was in order today. Working towards clearing out my ‘to blog’ folder in Gmail – it is growing too fast. This next piece below comes from a very talented yoga aficionado Ashanti Airbender Garcia. Some of you will remember […]
There is no doubt that Si was probably a very cute puppy. It’s easy to imagine a child playing with him and enjoying the wonderful bond that develops between puppies and children. What is not so easy to imagine is how such a sweet potlicker grew up, having been cared for by someone and then […]
Sorry no strip club pics or San Pedro crew behaving badly at WSOP 2011. tacoboy did get some nice shots of everyone enjoying the exclusive Bob Bounahra party at the Bellagio Hotel where the appetizers were tasty, champagne was flowing freely causing a few people to wake up in slow-mo the next morning’. He also […]
I am being a bad girl and bribing myself with a coffee this morning – trying quit while I am still sick. Being extra cautious as Cindy’s cold lasted 3 weeks and ended up to the point where she had to start doctors visits and medication in order to kick it – I do not […]
We have been without water since yesterday, some have been without power as well. This is where my hurricane preparedness comes in handy, having extra containers of water on hand by all the sinks has been very useful. A full shower [including washing my hair] took just under a gallon of water. I could probably […]
I must say it has been really nice checking out for 2 days and not even looking at a single email – definitely helped knock my cold out a bit more. Finally feeling like I can get caught up a bit this morning – I am a bit behind on posting Belize non profit information, […]