This morning was fricken freezing, I left the house in jeans, t-shirt, hoodie, shoes and socks and I was still cold enough that my teeth were chattering – no exaggeration. As I was hitching a ride part way to town with tacoboy who was on his way to work, I was second guessing my decision have left the house and wishing I had crawled back under the covers instead. By the time I got to Wings department store I had to step inside to warm up and much to my surprise it was very toasty inside – of course I was drawn to go browse the blanket aisle.
While walking around town I saw people all kinds of warm weather wear from jackets and shorts to full out covered up with jeans long sleeves and even a few hats – was wishing I had worn mine. I hit the beach for a bit and was surprised to find a girl in a bikini suntanning – to be fair with less wind it was warmer on the Caribbean sea side of the island than the lagoon side.
On way home I decided to stop at Roadkill bar for chicken nuggets and fries, I knew already this was going to be a junk food kind of day with the poker run and figured I may as well start early. It was around that time that the temperature started warming up enough to loose my hoodie and feel over dressed in jeans. Now I have to figure out what to wear tonight so I am warm enough but not to hot.
Poker run/ Crawl tonight – starts at 6:30 pm at Average Joe’s, with stops at Roadkill Bar, Lola’s Pub, Wayo’s and ending at Pedro’s Pizza… always lots of fun and the pot has been just over $1000 bzd the last few times, well woth it for $25 entry. You do not know have to play, heck you do not even have to keep track of your cards, tacoboy and Pedro do it for you as it all gets written down. Everyone gets 1 card at each bar and at the last stop the best 2 cards from your hand combined with the flop will hopefully get you a winning hand.

Too funny and so true Charlotte.
Ouch Paul, I would be blue in those temps.
I think I can explain the bikini clad suntanner, TG. We scrimp and save to go to a tropical oasis from our freezing northern temps. By damn, I will wear my bikin come hell or high water. I didn’t just travel 3000 miles from -30 temps, to getting served peanuts and pop on the plane to NOT wear my bikini! Warm up Ambergris Caye. Lol.
Too bad about the weather, its a balmy -7 in Montreal, Canada
I am not going to comment extensively on your bizarre climatic issues. Back in the day in Yellowknife NWT me and some buds used to go north of town in February with a 2/4 of Canadian out onto frozen lake to watch the Aurora at -38F. So quit your bellyaching. As for your new diet you should be aware that are chicken McNuggets are low in the nutrients everyone needs, such as calcium, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants. So I would do one of them toxic cleans pdq. 🙂
Thanks Emily I will definitely follow your advice and layer up. That sounds horrible huddled on a golf cart in shorts and tanks in this weather especially with the extra breeze you get while driving. Say hi to Paisley and Barry.
I would dress warmly tonight if I were you. It already feels cooler than this morning to me as the humidity has dropped signifcantly, and there’s still a brisk NNW breeze. Just took Paisley walking on the road north, and I was chilly even in hoodie, yoga pants, and flip-flops. On the way back south was fine with wind at my back. Saw tourists in tank tops and shorts huddled up in golf carts looking freezing! Bet they didn’t even bring their jackets. 😉