Belize weather– layers are key right now. It is totally freezing here today and we all are piling on the extra clothing. I am sure a few of you are thinking yeah right you do not know what cold is. When living in the tropics, cold weather in San Pedro may leave you not having enough clothes or blankets to keep you warm and most likely no option to turn the heat up. I am sure there are some people on the island who are getting hit hard by this cold front. I say that because at least we have enough options to get warmer and there is no breeze blowing through the tacoshack. I can just imagine how cold some people’s houses are inside right now and how little they have to keep warm. I am grateful for my for my 2 polar fleece hats and scarf and anything I own that has long sleeves on right now – oh and I almost forgot, good blankets.
At the moment I am wearing a tank top, a long sleeve cotton shirt and a long sleeve button down shirt jeans and socks. The sun is out but I can hear the wind and that is what made me decide to stay inside the house for now.
Here are a few pictures from the other day when it was a bit warmer and we were enjoying the beach.