travel safe tips and recomendations

Travel Safe and Busy Planning

Best travel safe tips and discussion
Photo by Patrick Doherty

I recently read and replied to an interesting thread on keeping possessions safe in Belize. While most hotels do offer safes in their rooms or in the lobby but there is always a possibility you may find yourself in need of some good stashing ideas. I have listed a few simple tricks below should ever find yourself in a position when it is time to make like a squirrel and “stash your nuts.”

taco Tip #5
Should your room not have a travel safe:

While I recommend using your safest options first (pun intended), do not forget the creative kind should you ever need them. A pile of papers can easily hide a passport. Depending on the base and providing it is not a wall mount, under the TV is a good hiding spot. A few dollars casually in plain view could keep light fingers from looking.

Other Useful Travel Tips

  • For carrying money on your person spread it around. Have a small amount handy in your pocket and and also a reason why that is all you have.
  • Photocopy and photograph all your ID.
  • Do not bring more than you need to when you go out at night.

Click through to the Trip Advisor Belize forum and read what other travelers have to say about travel safe tips, including a good personal travel safe recommended by San Pedro destination expert Jean H.

Busy Planning

Working with international volunteer vacation group Direct Abundance. They have 6 of their team from Canada, Jamaica and USA in Belize. One of the things they requested before coming was to plan and organize a food drive with the San Pedro Red Cross for the San Pedro Food Bank. It will be the 2nd food drive that the San Pedro Red Cross has done with our volunteer vacation groups. This is an activity we plan when people want to help but do not have a great deal of time. Thankfully the weather has been great and according to weather underground we will have more of the same for the food drive – very hot and very sunny. We are going to make sure all volunteers have shade option and stay well hydrated. This morning two members of the group, Tina, Joanne and I met at Reef Radio and TV to be interviewed by Eiden Salazar, who is also Chairman of the Belize Red Cross San Pedro Branch and is invaluable in helping us get the word out.

Food Drive

February 4th, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm. List of participating stores and needed items below.


Our Goal is to raise at least $1500 Belize and a big pile of food. All cash will be split between the San Pedro Branch and San Pedro Food Bank.

Importance of Donating

42 families a week use food bank. All are pre-screened through social services before being qualified. 80% them are single moms and some grandma’s who got left raising kids, but there are also a couple of 2 parent families. The cost to run it is about $1500bz/week. Brittney O’Daniel and her crew have done an amazing job of making this happen but it is not easy and they need your help. Donation Locations:

  • Caye Mart
  • Super Buy Located in Town
  • Mermaid Store
  • Super Buy South

Donations Needed:

  • Rice
  • Canned fruits
  • Beans
  • Jelly or Jam
  • Peanut Butter
  • La La Milk
  • Cereal
  • Canned Fruits
  • Canned Veggies
  • Pasta
  • Tomato Sauce
  • Tuna
  • Soup
  • Pedigree Dog Food
  • Pedigree Cat Food
Food Drive Belize Red Cross San Pedro Branch
Our volunteers will be out front of stores with the following this flyer to make your shopping easy
San Pedro Belize Red Cross and Direct Abumdance
Eiden, Joanne and I doing the morning show taken by Tina

Featured image by Joanne O’Brien.

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