Public Service announcement from Zac and San Pedro Fitness Club…
Tai Chi for Health
Tai Chi, is an ancient form of Chinese classical dance created about seven hundred years ago by a Taoist priest. The fundamental principles of this dance fall into four categories: health, self-defense, mental accomplishment, and the way of immortality.
In the Classics of Tai Chi it is said, “When the lowest vertebrae are plumb erect, the spirit of vitality reaches to the top of the head; when the top of the head feels as if it is suspended from above, the whole body will be light and nimble.” This is the way to strengthen the spine, and by strengthening the spine, one not only automatically strengthens the internal organs, but the brain itself.
The Tai Chi Classics also say, “The chi should be stimulated.” The chi is an inherent oxygen in the body for stamina and vitality…if the chi is persistently stimulated, it produces heat and becomes powerfully effective in activating the circulation of the blood evenly throughout the whole body..
Zac teaches the long form as it was taught by T. T. Liang. 150 postures which are practiced to music slowly, effortlessly, and evenly, to create the co-ordination of body and mind.
It is said: “that one who practices Tai Chi will enjoy the health of a lumber jack, the pliability of a child, and the wisdom of a sage. “Chi” is the life force within the human body. Thought to be the basis of health, life, and energy, Tai Chi builds, stores and clears the path for the proper flow of this all-important energy. The slow, gentle, and beautiful movements combine with breath control and the mental focus to bring a person to optimum levels of health. It is a highly precise art which stresses physical and mental balances.
Zac began his study’s in 1984 and focused on learning the long form solo dance, consisting of 150 postures performed to music. In addition, Henry practices Qi Gong, Ba Duan Gin, and Tai Chi meditation sequences. He began teaching in 1993 as a way of deepening his understanding of Tai Chi.
Taking Tai Chi with Zac has been a wonderful way of establishing increased awareness, balance and greater energy. It has even helped my golf game. This is a gift I urge you to consider giving yourself. – Joanne Klassen, Stress Management Consultant and Author
San Pedro Tennis Club is excited to have Zac on our team. We anticipate some long term and permanent results from his integrated approach to wellness.
Zac’s work is focused on building and strengthening vitality. His massage work facilitates the release of trapped or stuck energies in the body and speeds the recovery of soft tissue trauma. His work with drums helps to stimulate cathartic release of emotional energies and with Tai Chi and Qi Gong, he teaches ways to stimulate the intrinsic life force and increase vitality on a daily basis.
Throughout my life, I have always been involved in sports and exercise systems. This system of Tai Chi has made me stronger and more flexible than my combined efforts in Yoga and Resistance training.”
-Henry (Zac) Zacharias
“I’ve known Zac since 1989. I have referred clients to him for massage and found his work to be very effective. We have trained in Tai Chi together often and I’ve found Henry to have a good grasp of T. T. Liang’s system.”
-Don Jones, physiotherapist
Classes are Monday mornings 9:30 – 11:00 and Friday mornings, 9:00 – 10:30
The first 3 classes will focus mainly on the principals of Tai Chi and learning Qi Gong/Chi Kung Exercises.
Drop in fees are $15 Bzd and students may pay for a month in advance to receive a discounted price.
Suggested reading is the book By T. T. Liang Tai Chi for Health And Self Defense Available in paperback
Please come wearing loose fitting clothing. It is best to practice in bare or stocking feet.