Yesterday 18 staff from the following businesses were trained in First Aid: Seascape Villas,Coastal Xpress, Las Terrazas Resort, Isla Bonita Management, Cowboy’s Pool Bar & Grill, Consolidated Water, Caye Casa and Portofino Resort all in attendance. Shout out to all these businesses for helping Make Ambergris Caye a safer place. Thanks to Helene and Seascape for hosting, Coastal Xpress for getting everyone there, Patrick from O for cooking a delicious stewed chicken with rice n beans. and potato salad for lunch and Maya Island Air for helping get our 2 instructors home.
An interesting thing happened at the start of class, one of the Caye Casa boys was exhibiting signs of low blood sugar and required first aid. Helene, Surendra and Winnie sprung into action to get him coconut water and cooled down with a wet towel. Timing had it that Coastal express was passing by close to the time and he was taken to town for follow up with a doctor.
A few of the students asked if they could come back for more training or how they could get someone they know to be trained. It was nice to see that kind of enthusiasm from the class. Everyone who took the class was paying attention and actively participating.
Details for June Class hosted by Exotic Caye Resort coming soon.
Cheryl offered to give Winnie Surendra and I a ride back to the bridge after class. Surendra would drop Winnie at the airport and I could catch a cab south from there.
As we walked across, I snapped a few pictures of the bridge progress. It’s going to look really nice when it is done. Hopefully it will be easier to maintain now and not need to be closed down. By the time we got to Maya Air the gear was already waiting there, Coastal Express water taxi had beat us back to town 🙂

The Coconut Drive detour is no longer, when Dick and I headed back home from our town trip this morning they had it open. I was taking the morning off from my camera, so no pictures for that one.