I always said that starving to death would be one of my least favorite ways to kick the bucket. Add constant stomach pain to that – definitely not a good way to go. I can’t think of a worse fate than feeling hungry and not being able to eat very much cause of excruciating stomach pain. Scratch that a whole bunch of worse options just came to mind after typing that. I am just grouchy and avoiding food commercials and sleeping a lot.
I know a few others on the Island have been going through similar experiences lately if you care to share your insights and doctors costs and cures please leave comment.
Called to see if Dr. Lerida would be in this morning so I could go get checked out and her assistant said she was headed to Belize City for the day and I could try again tomorrow. Luckily she called back and said plans had changed and she was going away tomorrow so I could get myself there by 11am or 3pm. I thanked her and said see you in 20 minutes.
After checking me out and asking what my symptoms were she confirmed it was a bug caused by something I had eaten or from water. Pretty sure that it was something I ate Sunday night – ugh.
Consolation $55
10 days worth of Cipro every 12 h $77
8 days of Motilium morning and night $45
5 packets of electrolytes$5
2 green tea and Jasmine $11
Total cost of check up and medication was $200.72
Getting on track for putting an end to this unbearable stomach pain priceless.
Stopped by Maria’s on the way home to get some veggies. Dr. Lerida said take it easy and no dairy or red meat while I am recovering. I know I can count on DCG – CBT and Chunkyruth to fill in what I am missing out on food wise ha ha.

Thanks Otter just glad it did not hit when everyone was here.
You must be getting excited Robyn. Can’t quite say all is well yet but getting there – fingers crossed you have a fun – safe – healthy trip all around.
Really hit you hard…hope your feeling better! Be there in a few days! Hope all is well-and we dont get it.
I am soooo sorry Laurie. That sounds horrible, but so glad you are on the mend. Hang in there