Here is the booth line up for 2012 San Pedro Lobsterfest Block party tonight – Caliente, Picasso, El Divino and Cowboy Doug’s Pool Bar and Grill, Pineapple’s, Sunset Restaurant, DJ’s, Pedro’s Pizza / Pirates, Mojitos Bar and Grill
They will also have the regular charity section featuring, Hol Chan, Belize Fisheries, Oceana, Red Cross, Aids Commission and last but not least SAGA Humane Society. All these organizations do great work so stop by and show them your support.
I stopped in at the block party businesses yesterday morning while I was in town and here is the info I got for all you foodies who want to know what you are in store for at the block party tonight.
Fido’s booth plans lobstah, lobstah, lobstah. They will still do their famous fido’s hot wings too, those are always big hit especially for the peeps who have OD’d on lobster.
Casa Picaso will be cooking up their famous lobster sliders, 4 chees mac n cheese and their ever popular Stingray Drink made with limoncello and cranberry juice
DJ’s will ne making lobster sushi, lobster burger, sangria and mojitos
Elvis is going their lobster hotdog which was a big hit last year, lobster burgers, coconut curry lobster, lobster tamalitos and lobster vodka wasabi shots.
As always Pedro will be serving up some tasty Lobster pizza as well as other pizza for those who dare I say it are not lobster fans. They are also doing something new this year Lobster creole.
El Divino Restaurant and Cowboy Dougs Grill are teaming up and will be serving a lobster version of their polish dog and some yummy cocktails.
For those of you who have been stamping your passports at all the events, here is what is included in the grand prize trip to Belize for 2013 San Pedro Lobsterfest. This will be drawn at the block party tonight. Congratulations to the lucky winner in advance.
Donations for the grand prize
Ramon’s Village- Four Nights Stay, Double Occupancy
Ultimate Golf Cart Rentals – 4 days golf cart rental
Searious Adventures – 1/2 day of Snorkeling to Hol chan and Shark Ray Alley
Victoria House Resort – Dinner for 2
Seaduced by Belize – Lamanai Jungle Adventire for 2 includes lunch, beer, sodas ..
Seaduced by Belize – Caye Caulker Day Sail for 2 includes beer,sodas,rum punch, water, snacks
Mata Chica Resort- Dinner for 2 at Mambo Restaurant and 1 cocktail p/person
Fido’s – Lunch for 2 (alcoholic drinks not incl.)
Fido’s – Lunch for 2 (alcoholic drinks not incl.)
Palapa Bar – 3 $20.00 bar tab
Tropic Air – Two round trip tickets to San Pedro from International
Banana Beach Resort – Three Nights Double Occupancy
More to come on this post, lost 4 hours or of work on it and had to start from scratch. Taking a much needed break before finishing.

Don’t forget about the new addition to this years lobsterfest the after party at Grand Caribe Resort.
Lobstermainia pool party at Cowboy Doug’s Pool Bar and Grill. Sunday June 24th 12pm – 6pm
The party will be an Interactive facebook giveaway day. Bring your smart phones and tablets and check in to Cowboy Doug’s Grill facebook page during the party for challenges to to win prizes.
Our first 2 facebook challenges for Sunday.
Challenge 1
Get someone to take a picture of you having a Breakfast Belikin or a Traveller’s rum drink at El Divino and upload it to Cowboy Doug’s Grill facebook page.
Challenge 2
Stop by Pedro’s Inn, Liberty Children’s Home Fundraiser from 11 am onward and get someone to take a picture of you Belikin or a Traveller’s rum drink in support of a good cause and upload it to Cowboy Doug’s Grill facebook page.
Guy N Girl Swimsuit contest. Win a prize package from Seaduced, Tropic Air Belize, Banana Beach, Fido’s and Asian Garden Day Spa. Our international judges for the swimsuit contest are joining us all the way from Birmingham and South Yorkshire, United Kingdom. They wanted to make their last weekend in Belize one to remember and chose the Lobsterfest Block party and our after party to do so.
Sir Andrews famous barbecue & Lobster specials.
Fill the pool floaty toy contest prizes for the strangest, silliest and Largest blow ups.
Belikin Beer and Traveller’s Liquors pool relay races for Prizes.
Part of the proceeds will to to the Liberty Children’s Home Fundraiser.
Oceana will be joining us at Lobstermainia pool party. Oceana is an international organization dedicated to ocean conservation. In Belize we are working to promote awareness and support in protecting our barrier reef and marine ecosystems from threats, most specifically now offshore oil drilling.
They currently in the process of attempting to have a referendum to revoke certain oil concessions in Belize that prove to be of high risk and improper implementation (lack of expertise, resources, etc.).
Oceana is consistently involved in action to protect the marine life and beauty held in Belize’s sea. You can check any media house and will surely find details on Oceana’s recent work here.
That is a basic overview of what they have been up to here at the Oceana office. Please join Oceana facebook page and visit website for information on their international efforts.
Oceana will be doing membership sign up at the party. They want to communicate the importance of their efforts and hope that the public will share their passion and pride in our reef system and join Oceana’s efforts. They will also be selling Oceana T-shirts, caps, umbrellas, and beach balls for those who wish to proudly exhibit their support, or simply want to have well-in-fashion apparel.
Anytime Mary B.
hhhmm..delicious looking lobster. I’ll surely gonna try lobster and party at lobsterfest when I visit San Pedro. Thanks for sharing this.
Nice Laurie, it does look good I wish I had that plate in the picture right now. Will think of you when I am eating my lobster here in San Pedro tonight.
Yummmm…that lobster sure looks good! No Lobsterfest here in No. California, so went out and bought myself a tail for tonight. LOL