Lobster King and Queen Pageant 2010
If you or someone you know has a magnetic stage presence – a good talent and the ability to pull together a fun funky costume – why not try out for the honor of being be crowned Lobster King or Queen. All contestants must come up with a unique idea of how you think a Lobster King or Queen would look. No holds bar on costume making – you can use any form of help you need. We know how talented San Pedro is so in addition to a fabulous costume you will have to do a short 1 – 2 min performance on stage for the judges [and possibly tv] Song – dance – wow us – make us laugh – read aloud – play a tune – your choice. There will be a nice prizes for the winners. Entry fee $10 all monies will be split between the Lobster King and Queen’s charities of choice.

How cool Ruthie. Definitely a great spor for pics. Say hi to Chunky for us.
I remember very well the day that a group of guys, including Chunky, drug that driftwood out of the water and up to the beach at Coral Bay Villas where it rests today. The very large (and heavy) piece showed up was a few years ago after a major storm. It’s a favorite spot for pix.