Today’s pictures are ones I took walking down front street. I thought they would be fitting as I am getting ready to head to town for a meeting and since our bikes are no longer with us I will be walking.
Back later – got to go.
For those of you who have rented booths I have the Lobster Cooking Competition information available for you. If you need a paper copy see Kim at Seaduced or I can send you an email pdf.
Lobster Cooking Competition 2010
Feb 19th – Central Park – 5 Celebrity Judges
Open to everyone who has a night time tent
Must contain lobster.
Ingredients supplied by you.
Cooking takes place at your booth.
Advance prep work off site is acceptable.
Extra help to serve your food is acceptable.
Judges will be in a corded off area at the front of the stage.
You must anticipate how to creatively clear the crowd and serve our 5 Judges their food.
10 points for originality and how you serve your food to the judges.
10 points for appearance and presentation of food on the plate and person doing the serving.
10 points for taste.

Thanks Darryl – return sympathies on your weather. Hope you can bump yourself up faster sounds like you have good reason to.
Nice Beth. I am glad you are enjoying the info and visuals you are finding on my blog. Enjoy your count down.
Awww, that really sucks. Sorry to hear about the bikes.
I totally understand how you’re feeling, Harold. I’m in Saskatchewan and right now I’m thinking of bumping up our move to Belize from October to right now. I can’t take this weather.
Dear Tacogirl:
I have been reading your blog since I booked my first trip to Belize in October. Thanks for all the valuable information and the pictures of the island. I wish I was at the Lobster Contest.
Counting the days until I am there.
Bikes were both stolen last weekend Darryl. What a bummer was not in budget to be buying new ones right now.
Long it is not cold wet rain with snow close behind Harold.
i miss my new home ,it’s been cold , raining &cloudy since i came back to Alberta.
Hi TacoGirl…..Did I miss a post? What happened to your bikes?