This past Saturday, Ms. Jessie Young and Mr. Terence Woodye from Belize City conducted part two of the American Red Cross/John Hopkins University end-line survey to gauge project impacts on the community’s awareness and preparedness for emergencies and disasters today in San Pedro. Thankfully the weather was nice for them after all the recent rains we have been experiencing.
The survey was developed by John Hopkins University for the American Red Cross that gauges community awareness and preparedness for disasters. It was not done as assessment or targeted at any businesses in particular. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire on a cell-phone program and it was based on a 100 sample questions with a random selection method developed by John Hopkins University. The same questions were asked in early 2012 and comparing difference in the responses between the two years will help to give an idea of the project’s impacts on communities in Belize. In order to close out the “Saving Lives in the Caribbean Through Preparedness” project, the Belize Red Cross needed to get the survey done before the end of the year. Since we are going into the Christmas holidays it will be sometime in the New Year before the results will be shared with the San Pedro Branch. First they need to be tallied and analyzed by the American Red Cross.
It was two for two; while the two Belize City volunteers were surveying Ambergris Caye, Shirlee Arnould and Mike Memeo were in Belize city for Street Beat, an interactive work shop which they will soon be sharing with San Pedro.
Belize Red Cross Youth Agents for Change (Y-AC) hosted Street Beat Training and Activity December 13th and 14th 2013. Headquarters extended an invitation for two people from every branch to attend. Volunteers who attended got trained in HIV/AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health education and then provided the information to the public, including information on where to access VCT Sites (Voluntary Counseling and Testing) in their respective communities/district.
A one day training to develop their skills in the implementation of the street beat activity was held on December 13th 2013 at the ITVET building from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. The core activity was conducted the evening of December 14th when the branch volunteers got hands on experience by interacting with the crowd waiting to see Love FM’s Annual Christmas Parade. They handed out HIV/Aids brochures with condoms in them and each person spoken to was given a Red Cross Pencil and Pin.
A few Street Beat objectives
- Increase the awareness of HIV & AIDS and Sexual and Reproductive Health countrywide
- To develop and build on an active relationship with community members and specifically young people
- To help the raise awareness of the youth service agencies in all Belize communities
Headquarters was very excited expand the community project by training branches in this activity and to have them implement what they learned in their respected districts throughout the country of Belize.
Last but not least, many of you saw the pic of the giant check picture on facebook page facebook page and read the special announcement that we found sponsors for all 30 teachers before the day of the sale. As a result all bake sale money will now be used to start a fund for the R.C. School teachers to receive first aid training in the New Year. The big Check was in honor of Mark & Brooke Maggiotto who sponsored 19 teachers. Other people who came out to give their sponsor money and drop off or enjoy some sweets were Sue and Steve from Coco Loco’s Beach Bar, Jackie from Casa Picasso, Elvis Kitchen, Bonnie Musbach from the The San Pedro Lions Club, and Edward D. Mulligan. Caye Coffee Paul was also there and donating $5 from every bag to the cause. Together we raised 1658.75 was our grand total for the bake sale. Big Shout out to Wade the Gringo and Kathy for hosting the event at Roadkill Bar, all the bakers, Sherry aka Lil Red for use of her tables and a donation and everyone who helped spread the word, sponsored teachers made a donation or bought some baking.
If you would like to help a very worthy cause and sponsor one of the 41 left of 44 Roman Catholic school teachers to get first aid training please email Shirlee Arnould at
It has been a Very busy Holiday Season for the San Pedro Belize Red Cross 🙂 We wish you all the best and a safe happy holiday season.