Being the second day that Denis has been cold turkey from cigarettes he was not feeling as agitated and up for a trip to town. Yesterday I went solo because he had his head burred in a book all day to shake the cravings. I am really going to miss him when he heads to Mexico next week we have been having a lot of fun hanging out.
We set out on foot towards one of my favorite back roads ran into Caroline of Caroline’s cooking, she told us to hop on her cart and she would get us as far as Perla Escondita where her delicious restaurant is. We chatted about the strong winds last night and big waves on the barrier reef this morning.
Right after she dropped us off along came Commodore Andy in his new lime green golf cart. He was picking up his sail from Caribbean Villas and offered us a ride the rest of the way to town – he was happy to have my portable radio on board. Again weather quickly became the topic and we chatted about the surge happening at the reef, the small craft warning in effect and that Dennis has been missing diving with Chuck and Robbie because of how stirred up the water has been.
Commodore gave us front door service to the Belize Chocolate Company one of our favorite dessert crawl shops. Today we were not going for sweet treats, as much as we were tempted by our favorite truffles staring us down from the display case we opted for a pound of raw cacao and made it out unscathed. Cacao is highly nutritious and one of the super foods that Dennis puts in our morning smoothies, in addition to being antioxidant it is remarkably rich in magnesium. Cacao is also a good source of potassium, zinc, iron, vitamin c, phosphorus, copper, manganese, tryptophan, sulfur, protein and dietary fiber. I also like the fact that it is a product of Belize, so is the bee pollen we use.
Next we slowly wandered to the Greenhouse to score more wasabi peas, sadly there were out so we substituted with broccoli, cucumber and zucchini. Then we wound our way over to back street to see Kate at Sew What and pick up the bag that Dennis was having fixed. She does really great work and getting his strap replaces was only $10 bzd – very reasonable.
After our shopping trip in town, we came home and decided to cook lunch, I was in charge of doing the salad and Dennis made a simple vegetable stir fry. We sat down to watch tv while we ate and Dennis tortured me by putting on Steak Paradise – it was like a bad accident where you do not want to see it but cannot look away. We were both salivating over the gigantic steaks at Peter Luger Steakhouse in Brooklyn New York and all the other delicious steak related restaurants they were showing. It was a good reminder to go check and see if Belikin distributor is still selling Gallon Jug Belize beef once our cleanse is done. If not I got a good tip from Jan Brown that the Running W brand rib-eye sold 4 in packs at Geo’s are very tasty and a decent price. I have had their bone in rib-eye [picture of the steak] before so will definitely be trying the 4 packs.

They were Emily, not sure what happened or how well they could enforce rules there sadly.
Wasn’t the San Pedro Town Council going to crack down on people carrying extra children (and adults) on their bikes like that? Seems pretty unsafe, just imagine if he wrecked and his precious cargo hit the pavement. Eeek.