This morning I leaned about yahoo buzz now being open to everyone – all you bloggers it is worth checking out. After reading about it on technotip I decided to give it a try and and buzz the Simple Mathematical Trick post – which I found insightful and definitly buzz worthy. The thing I liked […]
Less than 24 h till DCG arrives . Spent my afternoon doing some advance prep for tomorrow night – making a big crock pot ribs – will chop some veggies later. 5:30 pmGailtor just brought my attention to Heather in Paradise’s blog post for today. Please go cast a vote and help the Peanut Pet […]
Just like so many things my spiral design labyrinth is a work in progress – more conch shells needed. Hitched a ride to town with canuckboi and canuckgirl today. Picked up some veggies and Charlie’s birthday present a bag of marrowbone treat’s – she will like that. Will go to Pedro’s in a bit to […]
I never thought I would get so into to news but I am starting to find that the information highway has been slowly filling my head with “blogger news” for a while now and I can’t deny it anymore. With sights like Upstart Blogger and Daily Blog Tips leading me to articles like Who do […]
One reason would be am up before the Sun is that Capt Jeff is in town – We are having a fishing day with Abel today. Chatting Jo on coconut phone and getting ready, time moving a bit fast I can tell by the light in the sky I better bust a move have to […]
This morning I decided to make a labyrinth in our yard. Paul and I have walked replicas of the Chartres one a few times – a couple were made on a big canvas and laid out on the floor and that I really enjoyed one was out in the country hidden on a hill top […]